
Scent of Spring

It's still cold outside, but
sometimes I feel the scent of spring
in the wind these days.

It's nice to feel it.

For the first time in five years
I put hina-dolls in our living room.
The dolls are over fifty years old.

Isn't it a funny idea to add potato chips
instead of "hishi-mochi" and
clover honey liqueur instead of "ama-sake" ?

I'd really like a nice spring to come to
my students.

Yet, the result doesn't count.

Of course, good news is better, but
what's important is whether they try to
make every effort that they can or not
in order to realize their dreams.

How long it takes depends on each individual.
Still, their strong will and patience to do something
will make fruit some day, I believe.
Never give up.

I'm waiting for spring.


  1. I like this photo.
    Especially, potatochips, and honny liquer.
    It is so amazing.
    You always come up with such a nice thing!

  2. Dear Satoko
    Maybe, not nice but funny and crazy! wwwww
